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The Art Story
Brother Omar_2021
Email: brotheromarartworks@hotmail.com
Cell#: ( 646 )–986–1630
Omar Cañate ( pronounced Kahn-yáh-teh ), also known as Brother Omar, has been producing poetry and artwork from his youth. His other passions are videography, as well as writing and illustrating children’s books.
His artwork is mainly comprised of abstract and spiritual themes which engages the viewer to look closer and feel deeper…..for which he says his inspiration comes from the Creator. The style of art which he portrays is abstract, with certain images not immediately recognized are merged into his work. This multiple layering of images allows for the viewer to see multiple messages and to have various interpretations for each piece. The medium used is acrylic paints, colored pencils and markers. He is also embarking on writing and illustrating children’s books.
Poetry & Video:
Brother Omar’s signature poetic-video is called “17 Shades”. The 17 Shades project is a poem written by Omar Canate in 2010; which was then converted into a video by a team headed by his cousin: David Jaunai. This poetic video celebrates the African Diaspora and gives salute to the accomplishments made by people of color throughout the world. The message is verbalized in poetic form, accompanied by music, photos, artwork and animations created by this artist.